What we do

Addressing the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of Businesses


What are the current concerns and needs of citizens and businesses?

Public sentiments are constantly changing and evolving due to various factors (i.e. current events, technological advancements, media coverage and communications, etc). It is key to measure and monitor the public sentiments, gather the opinions of citizens and business owners to gain insights into the needs and concerns of a community. This can help in the decision making, shape policy and better communications in the public sector to improve the lives of the citizens and to support businesses.




Public Sentiments

Public sentiments are an important indicator of the pulse of a society. Understanding public sentiments can help support better decision making in programmes, initiatives, and policies and better communications in the public sector. Government will be able to better respond to the needs of the citizens and business owners.

Public Consultation

Gathering the opinions, concerns, and feedback from the public in an engagement session with a larger group of respondents in a workshop setting. This is for a more diversified range of perspective and views on a particular issue or topic (i.e. housing affordability) to inform decision-making.

Policy Improvement and Evaluation

Synergizing the range of research methodologies, including surveys, stakeholder and expert opinions, and analyzing various forms of evidence for a holistic understanding to assess the impact of the policies. Policymakers can then make informed decisions about the allocation of resources, the design of policies, and the development of programs.